Originally published in 1962 this book advanced the debate about the Common Market and its implications for Britain by a significant step. It traces the growth of the Community during the crucial first stage of its existence in all its main aspects – tariffs and finance, competition, services and transport, labour and agriculture. There is an original assessment of the effects of the Great Boom of 1959-1961 on the EEC and vice versa. Detailed trade figures are used as a guide to the changing relations between the Six, highlighting the pivotal role of Germany. A short review of the problems of the associated territories and the attraction of the EEC to its neighbours leads up to the central issue of Britain’s European dilemma.

part I|44 pages

The Six at Work

part II|37 pages

The Community and the Great Boom

part III|16 pages

The Force of Gravity

part IV|45 pages

Britain on the Brink

part V|19 pages

Real Problems and Sham Solutions