This chapter calculates the electron and hole Fermi energies and densities in graphene layers (GLs) in the n and p regions as functions of the GL index, gate voltage, and temperature. The Fermi energies of electrons and holes and their densities in different graphene layers in the n and p regions of the electrically induced n-i-p junctions formed in multiple-GL structures are calculated both numerically and using a simplified analytical model. It is shown that in the electrically-induced n-i-p junctions with moderate numbers of GLs the reverse current can be substantially suppressed. The multiple-GL structures without the bottom graphene layers can be fabricated using chemical/mechanical reactions and transferred substrate techniques, which include chemically etching the substrate and the highly conducting GL and transferring the upper portion of the multiple-GL structure on a Si or equivalent substrate. The mechanical peeling of the upper portion of GL with the subsequent placement on a substrate is another option.