This chapter analyzes about magneto-plasmonic interaction. It addresses the issue of the modification of the magneto-optic behavior of a ferromagnetic metal by the presence of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), which is explored with a series of different experimental arrangements. The chapter discusses the enhancement mechanism due to SPP excitation in magneto-plasmonic structures made of ferromagnetic patterned films. Magneto-plasmonic lattices, produced upon patterning of purely ferromagnetic metal films, can exhibit large enhancement of the magneto-optic response close to their SPP resonances, when compared with the corresponding continuous ferromagnetic films. The knowledge of the fundamental properties of the magneto-plasmonic interaction can lead to the design of functional optical and magneto-optical devices. The chapter explains the magneto-plasmonic interaction in ferromagnetic antidot arrays, which support SPP excitations by combining near- and far-field results. To summarize, reflectivity and magneto-optic signal are strongly interconnected in magneto-plasmonic structures in the far-field.