An intrusion detection system (IDS) inspects all inbound and outbound network activity. A company will implement a variety of sound security mechanisms such as authentication, firewalls, and access control; but there is the potential that systems are unknowingly exposed to threats from employees and non-employees. The complexity of the overall corporate environment and disparity of knowledge for security professionals subject implemented protection mechanisms to improper configuration, poor security design, or malicious misuse by trusted employees or vendor/contract personnel. An IDS requirements proposal or any other security improvement proposal will require coordination with all infrastructure technicians to be effective. Companies need to have a dynamic information security infrastructure. Intrusion detection systems are complex to implement, especially in a large environment. They can generate enormous quantities of data and require significant commitments in time to configure and manage properly. Some intrusion detection systems introduce the ability to have a real-time eye on what is happening on the network and operating systems.