The growth of the population in Mexico City, demand increased amount of water day with day today for providing the vital fluid is resorted to the exploitation of sources, both internal and external, the aquifer of Mexico City, the dependency of groundwater extracted from wells makes it necessary to review the conditions of the aquifer for evolutionary in the aquifers conditions; these revisions are made from the depths of groundwater; measurements obtained values can infer the effect that brings with it the exploitation of this source and at the same time can implement actions to enable their recovery.

The main objective of this paper is to introduce a system that enables storage of information, analysis and visualization of measurements of static, dynamic levels and specific flow, as well as behavior in the Geographic Information System (GIS) to support a better understanding of the modeling of the aquifer and better decision making in the operation of the network of the Valley of Mexico wells GIS-based data measured.

Multi-temporal analysis of the evolution of groundwater is presented until 2009 of the aquifer of the Metropolitan area in Mexico City, for which the static and dynamic level of 225 wells measurement was made. Hydraulic balance of groundwater was performed to determine the degree of overexploitation. Changes for check in the static levels of the aquifer system from policies. The behavior of the aquifer was determined in recent years.