This chapter discusses briefly some of the enthalpic and entropic currencies that are exchanged to build supramolecular materials, and then it highlights how they can be used collectively to construct novel electronic structures. The chapter discusses some of the current organic bioelectronic state of the art and emerging strategies from the laboratory. There are several flavors of electrostatic interactions wielded by the supramolecular engineer to promote a particular motif of self-assembly. The strongest of these are classical point charge pairings among positively and negatively charged atoms or functional groups that can provide up to 60 kcal/mol of stabilization. The chapter highlights a few key examples of discrete 1-D nanostructures with electronically interesting functionality built by employing these supramolecular design principles. Supramolecular assembly is a powerful approach to construct a variety of low-dimensional objects with variety of unique functions. Conducting polymers are also powerful biomaterials for nerve repair and cardiac regulation.