320 In 1935, three physicists (Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen) proposed a paradox that questioned the interpretations of quantum mechanics (QM). The fact that, apparently, quantum information had to be transmitted more rapidly than the speed of light seemed to breach of wave functions (WFs) that collapsed. Quantum systems (QS) easily entangle each other so that their WFs combine. The fact that they do or not do in phase dictates the result. Thus, quantum information can easily escape, which leads to the loss of cohesion of a quantum state (QSt). Large objects get decoherence more rapidly than smaller ones. Quantum computers (QCs) can someday succeed in substituting Si-based technologies. They can be potent enough to decode any code. They are already only prototypes and handle binary data fragments in the form of quantum bits or atomic states. Based on QM, they could exploit phenomena, for example, entanglement, in order to carry out millions calculations at the time. At supercold temperatures, some metals, alloys, and ceramics completely lose their electric resistance. Currents are free of flowing during thousands of millions years without losing any energy. The reason is QM. On matching, and with a slight shake of the cations lattice, electrons can be kept together. Feynman’s 1981 conjecture, in which QCs can be programmed to simulate any local QS, is correct. Quantum simulators are controllable QSs that could be used to simulate other QSs. Being able to tackle problems that are intractable on classical computers, quantum simulators would provide a means of exploring new physical phenomena. How may quantum simulators become a reality in the near future, as the required technologies are now within research? Quantum simulators, relying on the coherent control of neutral atoms, ions, photons, or electrons, would allow studying problems in a number of fields, for example, condensed matter physics, highenergy physics, cosmology, atomic physics, and quantum chemistry. The long-term promises of quantum simulators are far-reaching but the field needs clearly defined short-term goals.