Aditya is a seventh grader who just moved from India to Baltimore, Maryland, and attends Thurgood Marshall Middle School. Aditya has multiple severe disabilities including spastic cerebral palsy (stiff, hard-to-bend joints) with involvement in all four limbs, a severe intellectual disability, no verbal communication skills, cortical blindness (damage to the optical nerve that severely affects Aditya’s vision), and a seizure disorder that requires medication to limit seizures. At Marshall, Aditya is in a special class where he has access to a variety of therapists and an adapted physical education (APE) teacher. These therapists and the APE specialist are itinerant and travel to many different schools, including Marshall. Once a week the APE specialist and the physical therapist will conduct a group motor session with all the children in Aditya’s class, and then once a week the APE specialist will work with Aditya 1:1. In addition, one of the paraeducators from Aditya’s class will bring him to general PE once a week with his seventh-grade peers. The purpose of this case is to explain how the APE specialist creates a unique program for Aditya beginning with a functional assessment, creation of appropriate goals, and then the creation and implementation of activities to help Aditya achieve his goals.