This chapter explores a curriculum design project designed to effect culture change among staff and students at Regent's University, London. The project was the introduction of a common module, named Global Perspectives, offering a shared educational experience promoting awareness of institutional identity. The account reflects on the shared leadership approach that emerged from our experience, offering this project as a case study for those considering similar initiatives. In the increasingly managerialist cultures of universities, shared leadership can provide a positive way of harnessing the potential of groups to drive change. We also explore the benefits of three specific tools we used as part of this collaborative process.

A workshop, involving staff and students, used Lego© Serious Play® to construct shared understanding of the aims and content of the module. This material then provided the basis for a case study for the Leadership Foundation's Leading Transformation in Learning and Teaching programme, engaging all programme directors and serving as a participatory consultation, with these leaders becoming champions. To free up students and staff to focus on content, the logistical challenges of introducing a common module were addressed by using a project management model.