This chapter analyses the contrary assemblages of neoliberalism and the Trump spectacle on the one hand, and on the other, the creative evolution of qualitative research with its commitment to social justice and to communities, both human and nonhuman, that are relational, plural, and always emergent, and in which “each of us is a multiplicity in connection with other multiplicities, even where those multiplicities contain, as they inevitably do, opposing lines of force”. The sorcery of seduction, Jean Baudrillard tells that it is found in its non-sense against all logic, it is the improbable prophecies that come true; all that is required is that they not make much sense. The generic neoliberal subject, in 2016, came to desire an unprincipled, flamboyant money-maker as its king. Because neoliberal subjects, by design, were no longer ethical subjects who were trusted to care about the quality of their work, state and institutional controls and surveillance were put in place.