This chapter auto-ethnographically reconstructs my process of becoming an educational ethnographic researcher. From the praxis of reflexivity, it gives an account of a rhizomatic journey. It begins in the cascade of questions posed by the unknown at the beginning of my teaching career and grows and expands my becoming an ethnographic researcher. The main objective of this chapter is to claim the need to dare to challenge and go beyond pre-established answers, pre-set mental frameworks, prescriptive theories, and prevailing power relations. What is important is to not only consider the research ‘focus’ but also everything that composes the ‘out of focus’. There is great value in attentively looking around us, pondering all possible dimensions, actors, actants and matter, including ourselves. The threads that weave my chapter are discoveries, crises, doubts and drifts, leading to new questions, certainties, uncertainties and magnitudes of the unknown, and the constant search for ontological positioning, allowing us to grasp the profound interweaving of social phenomena.