This chapter defines and situates neoliberalism within its recent history, as well as arguing that the media have been complicit in espousing and normalizing the core tenets of neoliberal ideology – in particular, by mainstreaming ideas and values that advocate free markets, limited government, and individual responsibility. It describes a stealth campaign perpetrated by a donor class of multi-billionaires, most prominently Charles and David Koch, who are intent on undermining the state and its institutions, as well as democracy itself, to further their own interests and those more generally of corporate capitalism. Central to this campaign of deception is the enlisting of the media to present as common sense many neoliberal ideas and values that the public would otherwise oppose, such as the deregulation of industry and the privatization or elimination of government services and programs, including public education, Medicare, and Social Security. In addition, because neoliberalism in practice is far from neutral in the face of an interlocking system of gender, race, class, and other types of discrimination, this chapter also argues for an intersectional approach that takes social location and identity into account to better understand the role of neoliberal discourse and practice as represented within the mainstream media.