This chapter presents a series of hazing myths in the form of case studies. Hazing habits are perpetuated in a variety of different settings despite efforts to prevent, educate, address, and enforce policy and change culture. These behaviors persist largely due to the myths and misconceptions around hazing that exist. The saying "everything can be considered hazing" is often used as an excuse for those groups that continue to utilize hazing as way to indoctrinate new members into the organization. Hazing is not exclusive to male-identified people. According to Allan and Madden, hazing is not as predominant in women's only organizations, but it does still occur with frequency. Women tend to utilize less physical forms of hazing that include yelling, emotional and mental abuse, and verbal abuse. Psychological forms of hazing include verbal, mental, and emotional hazing, such as tests, manipulation, servitude, sleep deprivation, verbal abuse, and more.