Spinal disorders that include back pain and neck pain are common and costly. Chief presenting complaints of back and neck pain are among the top three types of visits to primary care and emergency physicians and among the top five reasons to seek specialty care. Axial back pain can be defined as back pain that is at the mid-line or just lateral to the mid-line. Axial back pain can be mechanical, myofascial, inflammatory, or a combination. The history of patients with mechanical back pain will often include some type of abnormal stress on the muscles that support and move the vertebral column, usually due to deconditioning, posture, excessive weight, improper body. Radicular pain is pain referred from a spinal nerve root along one or more dermatomes or myotomes of an extremity. In the case of spinal disc hernation/extrusion upper/lower limb pain is usually greater and more intense than axial spine pain.