This chapter examines the major European urban sustainability planning/policy frameworks and guides, and it investigates to what extent and how cultural considerations are incorporated. The trail of city-driven efforts to conceptualize urban sustainability and advance policy and planning practices begins with the Aalborg Charter and Aal-borg Commitments, which were developed and carried forward through the Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign and, since 2013, the Movement of Sustainable Cities and Towns. From 2007, with the introduction of the EU Territorial Agenda and the Leipzig Charter, the European Commission's growing attention to local planning has been noticeable. The Spanish case studies presents that use cultural approaches to explore and understand the relationship between art and nature/environment, providing spaces for debate and discussion and platforms for exhibitions, publishing, and other activities. The chapter has outlined the main messages and developments from three main groups of actors: European cities, national ministers for urban development in Europe, and the European Commission.