As novel online psychoeducational tools, MyGrief.ca and KidsGrief.ca are appropriate resources for a culturally diverse adult population grieving the death of spouses, parents, siblings, children and other significant family members or friends and those supporting a grieving child. The websites are written at the sixth-grade reading level, and users need access to internet and a basic level of computer skills to navigate them. A comprehensive literature review, environmental scan, readiness analysis and development team comprising research and clinical experts and bereaved family members informed MyGrief.ca. This resource largely adopts a constructivist or meaning-based framework to understanding bereavement adaptation. KidsGrief.ca is the first of a series of planned expansions to MyGrief.ca. It responds to the fact that too often children and youth do not receive the grief support they need. Unique in world, MyGrief.ca and KidsGrief.ca complement existing services and provide comprehensive, accessible tools where barriers to in-person support and education exist, extending evidence-informed grief programming well beyond its existing confines.