This chapter begins with cybersecurity features. It covers various forms of cyber threats: cyberattacks, cyberterrorism, and cyberbullying. The chapter addresses cybersecurity governance and the trade-offs between cybersecurity and freedom. It discusses cybersecurity applications, strategies, and challenges. The cybersecurity is a dynamic, interdisciplinary field involving information systems, computer science, and criminology. The security objectives have been availability, authentication, confidentiality, nonrepudiation, and integrity. Cybersecurity is the process of protecting computer networks from cyberattacks or unintended unauthorized access. Cyberattacks are threatening the operation of businesses, banks, companies, and government networks. Cyberterrorism is the term used for terrorists who use Internet to communicate and wreak havoc and paralyze nations. It now ranks with other weapons of mass destruction and weapons of mass disruption in the public awareness. Cyberbullying refers to a form of harassment that occurs online. Online bullying activities are common among adolescents and minors.