The Square Kilometre Array radio astronomy project (SKA) states, on its website [1], that it is “an international effort to build the world’s largest radio telescope, with eventually over a square kilometre (one million square metres) of collecting area”. The radio telescope will have unprecedented sensitivity to weak signals and will thereby probe issues in astrophysics. The description continues:

From challenging Einstein’s seminal theory of relativity to the limits, looking at how the very first stars and galaxies formed just after the big bang, in a way never before observed in any detail, helping scientists understand the nature of a mysterious force known as dark energy, the discovery of which gained the Nobel Prize for physics, through to understanding the vast magnetic fields which permeate the cosmos, and, one of the greatest mysteries known to humankind… are we alone in the Universe, the SKA will truly be at the forefront of scientific research.

Quoted from [1]