This chapter presents incubation time and temperature dependent study of lipase-producing bacterial strains. It discusses the isolation and screening for lipase producing culturable bacteria. The chapter also discusses evaluation of crude enzyme in detergent formulation and stability of culture supernatant under storage. It focuses on taxonomic identification of lipase-producing bacteria which is based on: morphological tests, gram's staining, biochemical tests and ribotyping. The bacterial isolates are characterized by observing their different morphological traits, such as: size and shape of bacterial colonies, forms of bacterial colonies, and margin of bacterial colonies. The chapter provides information on biochemical characterization of the bacterial isolates. The characterization include: catalase test, urease test, citrate utilization test, triple sugar Iron test, nitrate reduction test, indole production test, H2s production test, litmus milk reaction test, and methyl red-voges-proskauer test. The chapter also focuses on extracellular enzyme activity and spectrophotometric growth determination.