Invasive weed optimization (IWO) algorithm is yet another swarm insight-based algorithm, which has some trademark making it unmistakable and one of a kind from other conventional social conduct-based calculations. While particle swarm optimization (PSO) and bacteria rummaging rely on the social conduct-based impact of other cospecialists, IWO algorithm operators do not show such an impact-based character. Rather they have their extraordinary nearby hunt qualities in view of standard deviation for the best particles, which are required to be available at the ideal and close ideal spots. Another critical trademark is the proliferation, which helps in a new era and in particular irregular introduction for new specialists, scattered at different purposes of the workspace. An end step adjusts the consolidated impact of spatial scattering and generation elements. Next, we will talk about the established IWO algorithm and afterward the discrete variation of IWO algorithm called the discrete invasive weed optimization (DIWO) algorithm.