Currently, reporting of medical enors or near misses is one of the leading initiatives proposed to enhance patient safety(Cohen, 2000). It is believed that medical enor reporting systems could be a good resource to leam from enors if medical cnor data arc collected in a properly structured format and are useful for the detection of patterns, discovery of underlying factors, and generation of solutions(R. J. Holden & Karsh, 2007). However, cunently medical incident reporting systems show great inconsistency in terms of reporting terminology and data granularity (Y. Gong, Richardson, Zhijian, Alafaireet, & Yoo, 2008; Karsh, Escoto, Beasley, & Holden, 2006). W c propose to investigate human factors which may greatly affect the completeness and accuracy of voluntary reports and not being adequately addressed in the cunent reporting system. The overall objective of this project is to understand, identify and eliminate the technical baniers to complete and accurate incident reporting through a human-centered consideration.