Overview: The study described in Chapter 3 is not the only study on aircraft interior comfort. Some impressive studies have been done before and are presented in this chapter. Konieczny (2001) wrote a PhD thesis on this topic. He distinguishes various phases in the comfort experience and concludes that pre™ight experiences do in™uence comfort. One of the „rst studies was done in 1977. It is interesting to see that knee space was the major problem in that study as well as in a more recent study of Blok, Vink, and Kamp (2007). Of course, the problem mentioned by passengers in 1977 on tobacco smoke is no longer valid. A Taiwanese study stresses the importance of staff, a good Web site, and in-™ight entertainment (IFE) just as other chapters of this book will show. A U.S. study stresses the importance of seat width at eye level and the triple seat con„guration.