Arti‚cial upwelling has been used effectively in Japan through the deployment of arti‚cial reefs or structures on the sea ¦oor. These structures help move nutrient-rich bottom water toward the surface. The “induced-upwelling” brings new nutrients into the euphotic zone, increasing primary production and, hence, leading to increases in local ‚shery productivity. In 1991, the Japanese Government initiated a new subsidy program for local administrations interested in the construction of arti‚cial underwater reefs to help create new ‚shing grounds. In this chapter we describe the steps or stages involved in this governmental program necessary for building arti‚cial reefs to help induce upwelling. This includes (1) site selection, (2) design of structural shape, (3) construction and deployment of arti‚cial upwelling systems, and (4) assessments to further assess ‚shery improvement and to evaluate the effectiveness of the ‚nancial investment.