Those not entirely foreign to C.G.Jung’s work may anticipate a certain friction from the introduction of some of his ideas into a residential setting for young people. In many ways it involves the meeting of two fundamentally different approaches to therapy-the one being in essence an individual’s introversion or turning inwards to explore depth within himself and uncover creativity with which to share with the group, while the other-the all-embracing world in miniature of a therapeutic community-demands a strong adherence to group processes and boundaries and, in order to preserve loyalty to pre-established principles, tends to frown on what it may negatively term as ‘hole in the corner’ activities. A community concerned with this form of identity often fosters an almost excessive extroversion. However much an aspiring art therapist in such a situation may experience a sense of trying to fit round pegs into square holes, it often proves a valuable experience because it raises many important issues in an age when group processes are gaining more and more impetus and many new insights arise from seeing these two worlds in proximity.