Given the large number of people who apply for jobs every year, it is not surprisingly that this topic has received a great deal of attention in the popular literature. The majority of these writings rely on common sense and anecdotal information. They offer useful advice, especially for the first-time graduate applicant. Perhaps you already have a book with a title such as How to Get Your Dream Job or something similar. This and the following chapter do not seek to duplicate these books, but instead bring together and summarize the crucial body of neglected research studies into what really influences selectors’ judgements of job applicants. This literature has revealed that the selection process is far less scientific and much more subjective than most major companies would admit, and is therefore susceptible to being influenced by the well-informed candidate (Feldman, 1990; Knights and Raffo, 1990; Robertson and Smith, 2001). The focus of this chapter is what you need to do to get yourself to the job interview and beyond. It considers the concept of organizational fit; identifies the qualities sought by companies in applicants; suggests how your referees should complete their reference on your behalf; and considers the ever-growing field of psychometric testing. It you successfully follow this advice, you should get yourself shortlisted for an interview, or invited to attend an assessment centre. Both of these selection methods will be covered in the next chapter.