This chapter focuses on the specific benefits of multiage education for teachers, parents, children, and society. Teachers, because of multiple years, personally know each child. Teachers are not restricted by curricular or testing demands, are respected as a professional, enjoy a positive classroom environment, and strong family relationships. Benefits parents see for their children include personalized learning with authentic assessment, no limitations to learning, strong social collaborations and friendships, a secure, stable environment, and their children are not compared to others or to standards. Parents also enjoy a closer relationship with the teacher. Benefits for the children include personal successes, differences are expected and respected, the gift of time to develop, lack of school stress and anxiety, personal confidence, diverse friendships, choice in enjoyable, active, interest-based learning, and the opportunity to enjoy their childhood. Benefits for society include people with rich, purposeful lives, who care about others, and contribute to the good of our democratic society. Multiage education, in comparison to the graded system, offers greater possibilities for all participants – for the well-being and good of the individual, as well as the good of our society.