This chapter lays the foundation for a new approach to implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in elementary schools. Using the emerging grounded theory of LIQUID (Leadership, Inclusivity, Quality control, Universality, Implementation and feedback looping, and Data-based decision making), this new theoretical model is set within a social justice frame to guide implementation of MTSS on campuses. The LIQUID Theory explains the process, constructs, and intersectionality necessary for successful MTSS implementation and sustainability. The corresponding LIQUID Model was designed as a tool to assist school leaders in customizing MTSS for their individual schools, just as liquid fits the shape of any container. Implementation science is reviewed as a process for integrating and refining evidence-based practices in the field. Finally, counterintuitive cultures are discussed and readers are encouraged to challenge existing beliefs and shift their perspectives to make way for a new foundational approach to MTSS implementation, accountability, and sustainability