Studying abroad is increasingly common. Many students, and parents, understand the importance of an international education for both personal and employment reasons. Studying outside your own country – whether for a few weeks, a summer, a semester, a year, a degree, or longer – is a wonderful way to learn about the world. For many young people it is an amazing experience that includes not only classroom learning, but embracing a new culture and making friends.

Yet, many students are unsure if they should study abroad, and when they do study away from their home country are not fully prepared to flourish in their new environment and succeed after graduation. For parents, international study can often be more unnerving than for students. Hearing from a son or daughter of his or her plans to study in another land can come as a surprise or even shock.

The book for which this is the introductory chapter is written in an engaging accessible style aimed at young people regardless of whether they are beginning to contemplate studying abroad, have just begun, or are about to graduate.