Like that of Mark Twain, reports of the death of the nation-state in the face of globalization are greatly exaggerated. There have been numerous provocations which have led many in television studies towards the conclusion that the nation-state is no longer an especially useful context within which to locate the study of television. Mexico is a highly mediatized nation-state, with a well-developed and internationally competitive television industry that dominates the Latin American regional market as well as the US Hispanic market. In the case of India, it might appear as if the nation-state had gone away – relinquishing its longstanding dominance and thus opening the way for community interests to prevail. Consistent with the post-1990s interest in nation-branding, and with the commercial appropriation of nationalism that Zala Volcic has examined in the nation-states emerging from the former Yugoslavia, this seems to be the territory where the narratives of media globalisation and the national project of modernity come into productive alignment.