Chapter 7 shows how techniques from the previous chapters are applied to a specific case. The client is profiled and the initial treatment plan is described. In the course of treatment, a number of decision points are encountered and the treatment plan has to be modified, adapted, and changed. The case is followed over a significant time span, to show how decision-making principles relate to the overall history of the client and to show how priorities and methods must adapt to changing life circumstances, changes in school placement, and family needs. This case is considered “informative” because of the kinds of issues that arose in the course of treatment, which often led to questions about the nature and practice of educational therapy itself, when the ET’s expectations had to be recast and modified. The case illustrates the profound impact on the family when a child’s schooling needs seem to overshadow all other considerations. The Reflection Tasks in this chapter give specific attention to exploring the ethical issues that often accompany and influence our decisions. This formal case study is presented in the firm belief that each client in educational therapy is indeed a case study. Each case that we treat and analyze in this manner will inform all other cases that follow.