The Conclusion of Intimacies of Exclusion weaves together the various threads that explain how intimacies of exclusion are created and why they have continued to exist in Northern Italy. Some of the following threads are discussed: 1) The politicization of language by the Lega Nord and its various subleagues, especially the Liga Veneta Repubblica; 2) the revitalization of Venetan as connected to the desire to make the Veneto region a separate state, as part of the European Union but not of Italy; 3) the emergence of intimate, collective identities among Italians and Venetan speakers; 4) the racialization of the stories that are being told by various social actors, such as important politicians, doctors and nurses, business executives, and ordinary speakers; 5) racialized joke-telling events, or barzellette, as they are told by politicians, ordinary speakers, and professional joke-tellers; 6) the language ideologies emerging from these racialized narratives; and 7) the great value of storytelling practices not only in linguistic anthropology but in many other disciplines as well. The Conclusion also briefly discusses the main contribution of this book to the field of linguistic anthropology and the future research that could be undertaken.