Motivation is derived from the Greek word ‘movere’ which literally means to move. Motivation in simple terms is therefore the movement towards the aim that we pursue. It concerns itself with the magnitude and the direction of our human behaviour 1 . Everything in our universe moves. We as human beings living on earth have therefore acquired our movement by default from our moving earth. The state of movement and motivation is our natural state of being; i.e., our default state of being. Being unmotivated sometimes and losing our motivation and experiencing loss and in extreme cases depression is therefore the exception to the norm. Motivation involves the choice of a particular action; the persistence with it and the effort expended on it. It is our internal state that serves to activate and energise our behaviour and gives it direction. When an individual is motivated, he feels energised to act, whereas an unmotivated person feels no impetus to do so 2 . Different people have different amounts of motivation. Human motivation can vary not only in level and intensity, but also in orientation and type (Shape 1).