This chapter focuses on various factors that influence how, when, and where learning disabilities manifest themselves. Dyslexia, one of the main learning disabilities recognized worldwide, can wreak havoc on one’s school performance, self-esteem, and work life and attainment. Other learning disabilities which are sometimes associated with dyslexia, particularly attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and dysgraphia, a specific problem with writing and spelling, can be similarly debilitating. There is a special acceptance of learning disabilities in Canada, the US, and the UK that is potentially at least somewhat helpful for families and children with this disorder. Learning difficulties occur across the population, but they are more prevalent among those living in poverty. Thus, it is important to consider both the rules and laws on helping those with a learning difficulty and also how these rules and laws are carried out. Families, teachers, and clinicians working with those with learning difficulties must, therefore, stay focused on advocacy for learning disabled students.