This chapter provides full attention to the imaging systems. These imaging systems work hand in hand to structure a given scene. The chapter discusses seven schematic categories: ‘plexity’, ‘state of dividedness’, ‘state of boundedness’, ‘degree of extension’, ‘pattern of distribution’, ‘axiality’ and ‘scene partitioning’ that form the configurational system in a direct link with translation. State of boundedness has two principal notions, namely ‘bounded’ and ‘unbounded’. Degree of extension has three principal member notions, viz. ‘point of time’, ‘bounded extension’ and ‘unbounded extension’. Plexity refers to “a quantity’s state of articulation into equivalent elements”. When there is only one equivalent element, then the matter or action is characterized by uniplexity. State of dividedness refers to the internal segmentations that a quantity has. In the target text, as can be observed, the non-resettable type of a one-way event to die becomes gradient by the effect of the grammatical form ‘be + to die + ing’.