Lithuanian adverbs indicate a circumstance of an action, e.g. jie gerai gyvena ‘they live well’, aš šiemet atostogas leisiu namie ‘this year I will spend the vacation at home’; tai atsitiko nety č ia ‘it happened unintentionally’. Some adverbs intensify an action or a characteristic, e.g. labai geras darbas ‘very good job’; itin daug nuveikta ‘very much has been done’; ypa č reikšmingas pasiekimas ‘particularly significant achievement’. Adverbs can go with the verbs, whereas the intensifying ones can also go with some qualitative adjectives (see 3.1.1). Adverbs are used together with adjectives of colour when tones or nuances have to be expressed, e.g. šviesiai žalias ‘light green’, tamsiai raudonas ‘dark red’, pilkai mėlynas ‘greyish blue’, etc.