This chapter explains three types of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): no-tech, low-tech, and light-tech. It examines photographs and symbol sets. Photographs have their place, but it is time-consuming to make a communication chart or book made only of photographs. Photos should only be emailed to and from secure addresses. There are three symbol sets that are widely used in the UK and that are included in symbol software and AAC resources. These are Widgit Literacy Symbols (WLS), Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) and SymbolStix. It is recommended that symbols are always accompanied by written text for children. Core vocabulary communication charts can be used across different communication situations, so are an extremely versatile resource. Objects of reference are used with children with Visual Impairment or multiple sensory impairments, who cannot access photos or symbols. Alphabet charts may be combined with core words or quick phrases, as a low-tech backup for high-tech AAC devices.