This chapter focuses on an overview of dyslexia, including some of the more influential individuals, theories, practices and research. The work of Orton and others led to the increasing recognition of dyslexia and the formation of groups/organisations dedicated to advocate for and support the learning experiences of those with dyslexia. Problems with the IQ-based perspective of dyslexia lead to alternative views about how to conceptualise the term. The use of IQ batteries as the basis of identifying dyslexia remains popular, though this may be more to do with the measures being well standardised and available to trained professionals: i.e. we are determining what dyslexia is based on those measures that we feel most confident in using, which seems the wrong way round when you write it down on paper. Most views of dyslexia talk about difficulties with word reading and writing: though it may be more specific to say spelling rather than writing in general.