Teaching Social, and Emotional Learning (SEL) will become equally important as academic learning, as our social media gradually changes too, further breaking down the barriers of location and communication." The measurement of SEL will be based on a combination of tests presented and scored by humans and by computers. This will happen because in the foreseeable future, computers will continue to outperform humans in speed and memory, but humans will continue to outperform computers in pattern recognition, such as grasping handwriting and turning it into data. SEL will find its way into college classrooms, especially those in the helping professions such as psychology and sociology, as well as in Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math (STEAM)-related courses. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics is currently seen in many school systems as a unified subject matter area. In the future it will be known more broadly as "STEAM," with the A standing for the arts, such as drawing, art history, music, dance, and drama.