This chapter focuses on the work of three internationally renowned Indonesian new media artists: Krisna Murti, Jompet Kuswidananto and Tintin Wulia. It describes how Murti has offered audio-visual catharsis as well as serene video treatments for the body, mind and senses; Kuswidananto has created a mobile installation for community television broadcasts; and Wulia has produced personalised video animations, passports, maps and national anthems, among others. One of the most dramatic and convincing ways in which Murti used interactivity to comment on the interconnections of mental, social and natural ecologies was his work 'Video spa'. The use of video and mechanical devices puts the installations of both artists in motion and gives them a temporal dimension. The use of these media also encourages audience participation and removes some of the fear or reluctance audience members may feel when engaging with modern technology.