This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book describes strategy in which the therapist works with the client to identify, evaluate, and if necessary, modify unhelpful thinking. It provides therapists practice in other core strategies associated with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), such as behavioral activation, exposure, problem solving, communication skills training, mindfulness, and acceptance. The book explores different aspects of the delivery of CBT. It also describes various approaches to session structure that therapists can use with their clients. The book examines standard CBT strategic interventions that cognitive behavioral therapists commonly use with their clients: cognitive restructuring; behavioral interventions, including behavioral activation, problem solving, and exposure; and mindfulness and acceptance. It focuses on relapse prevention, or ways to help therapist's clients consolidate the gains from their CBT work, commit to continued practice even when treatment has ended, and identify signs indicating that more help or a refresher is needed.