This chapter presents, several interesting recent foci in translation studies ranging from a discussion of the role of ideology, ethics and socio-political issues in translation, translating in conflict zones and for minority groups to a new interest in historical translation studies and a view of translation as renarration and translation conceptualized as 'eco-translatology'. Since the 1990s and with what has often been called the 'cultural turn' in translation, discussions about translation and ideology have become popular, attracting many scholars from diverse disciplines. It has been stressed early on by, and indeed by most of the translation scholars operating in the systemic-functional paradigm including on translation. Finally in this chapter, a new approach originating in China, eco-translatology, needs to be mentioned. Eco-translatology upholds contextual uniqueness, emphasizing the deep entrenchment of texts, translations and the human agents involved in their production and reception in their very own habitus.