This chapter deals with the queston: where, when, and how children encountered the bounded notions of culture that reign in the adult world. The author shows how youth's navigations across fields of cultural and linguistic variation helped to foster transculturality: a movement beyond all borders that limit and constrain, into new, uncharted territory. This is quite different than simply crossing borders and creating new ones, as humans have done throughout history. The authors pointed out to students that some approaches to multicultural education have been critiqued for reinforcing cultural stereotypes and reducing culture to surface elements like food and dress. However, when they explored the meanings of "culture", on the ground, from the perspective of B-Club kids, in everyday conversation-not just when they were asked to define it, or to talk about other group's traditions-they took pause. "Transculturality" is not a new term, though it has only recently had much take-up in academic circles.