Good science fiction films are based on good, possible science or at least plausible science. Box office receipts support the fact that audiences have a connection with sci-fi narratives. In the film Pacific Rim (2013) screenwriters Travis Beacham and Guillermo del Toro weave a tale of research scientists in the military paired with an elite unit of soldiers. Together they save the planet by using their knowledge of DNA, robotics and mind-melding capabilities to eradicate destructive monsters multiplying in the crevices of the deep ocean. Sidney Perkowitz, a physicist and sci-fi film analyst, writes in his book Hollywood Science: Science Fiction is the direct product of daydreams and wanderings of imagination. Sci-fi and fantasy are often mislabeled and lumped together by critics, marketers, film-viewing sites and film viewers. It is important to look at their unique components; the screenwriter needs to be aware of the genre elements of each in order to meet audience's expectations.