This chapter contains a table of symbols, which requires some clarification. The first column contains the sounds as represented by International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The second column contains Sound Symbols for those of one not familiar with the IPA, and the third column contains Key Words to more easily identify the sounds. Diacritics are marks added to phonetic symbols that indicate the sound has been modified. For instance if you were in Liberia, and you had a friend named "Skip" the final 'P' would not have a release of air after it, as it would in Detailed American English. Symbol Modifiers are marks added to a sound symbol indicating the sound has been modified. For instance if one were in Liberia, and his/her had a friend named "Skip", the final 'P' almost sounds like a 'P' with a 'B' following it because it does not have a release of air after it, as it would in American accent of English.