This chapter explores the adjustable parts, OSCAR, in a lesson or activity. It explains the research of self-regulated learning in connection to adjustable parts. The chapter examines the try classroom routines. These are plan—identify OSCAR in lesson plans, Teach—think, Talk, Open Exchange and adjust instruction—criteria checklist. OSCAR is both our student and his name is a mnemonic for the adjustable parts in every lesson: O stands for Objective, S stands for Starting Position, C stands for Criteria, A stands for Action Pattern, and R stands for Reflections. Criteria are the qualities that teachers want to see in students' work. Quality criteria help students know the requirements or Must Haves and Amazing qualities that challenge students, especially early finishers, to go beyond the requirements. Teachers can use the reflection questions in the Objective Planning Chart to revise objectives from lesson and unit plans to increase the ways learners can relate to and use the objectives as a vehicle for engagement.