We all crave satisfaction in our work. Yet for many it is a desire that remains unfulfilled. Indeed the same sources of dissatisfaction that affect staff apply equally to their managers. That is, not so much the long hours of work, the relatively low pay or job security, but rather the very nature of the work itself, the relationship they have with their line manager, and the capacity they have to work self-directed, which are the real indicators and shapers of professional well-being.

This chapter seeks to demonstrate how managers can sustain their sense of self-worth as well as belief in the intrinsic value of what they do and what they contribute. In doing so it explains how managers can – and should – work with their line manager (including handling a difficult one); maximise their political resources and influence; make effective presentations; manage their budget; manage individual projects; handle complaints, discipline and grievances; and also how to manage redundancies and handle an employment tribunal, as well as how to sustain your reputation and manage a crisis.