Once more has the orient sun roused and gladdened a slumbering world, and rolled away the thick folds of darkness in which it lay enveloped. Once more has the East spoken words of peace and hope to benighted nations. How dismal the night we have just passed! How bright the morning we now behold! Let us recall to mind the appalling spectacle we witnessed last night. Verily it was Ezekiel’s vision over again. We stood in the midst of the Valley of Dry Bones. On all sides, as far as the eye could reach, there were scattered heaps of dry bones. And what were these? Exhausted systems of theology, lifeless dogmas denuded of flesh and blood, creeds and characters which had once lived and moved but were now mere dry bones. Alas! how distressing the sight! It seemed to tell the sad tale of the havoc which sectarianism had perpetrated in the religious world, slaying truth and love, and filling the valley of the earth with dead and dry bones. And lo, they were very dry, and they said, “Our bones are dried and our hope is lost.” But no, their hope was not lost for ever. For the morning star soon heralded the dawn of day. And anon the great luminary shone forth, and its myriad rays scattered joy and light in all directions. The exhilarating morning breeze—the very breath of the Living God, entered into these bones; and “behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone, and they lived and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.” Scriptures and dispensations, prophets, saints and martyrs of all ages and climes stood revivified, danced in joy and blessed the light that had made them live again. And thus the valley of death was converted into a new world of life and light. Yes, we have seen the light of a New Dispensation. Asia, mother of many dispensations, has given birth to another child, and its birth-festival shall be celebrated amid great rejoicing. Sweet angel of the East! Heaven’s evangelist! sent from above with a New Gospel, thou hast come to us, clad in the most gorgeous and shining raiment, and decked in the most magnificent jewellery, which the East alone can boast. Thou comest amid the ringing of bells and the sound of the conch shell. Holy light! we hail thee, we kiss thee. Lord of the New Dispensation! I desire humbly to proclaim to-day among my assembled brethren the glad tidings which thou hast sent to us from heaven. Touch my lips with the live coal 285of inspiration, that I may boldly set forth the new light. Thou hast revealed unto us. Glory, glory, glory be unto Thee, Great Spirit!