Jodi Enda, assistant managing editor for special projects at CNN Politics, described Trump's election as both the best and worst time for the future of feminism. This chapter discusses the critical feminist scholarship analysis of media narratives in the Contentious Conservative Age of Trump. It examines how the media have covered Trump's patriarchal values and reviews the gendered narratives of his media messages. Media narratives of gender equity reveal the feminism fire lit by Trump's (s)election. Inclusive, interconnected, and intersectional, feminism seeks social justice and equality, which discourse analysis shows is contrary to Trump's rhetoric. Media election coverage studies indicated that controversies rather than policies were the news focus, with Clinton's emails and Trump's taxes accounting for 17 percent of the coverage, or one in every six news reports. Criticizing women journalists has been on Trump's tweeting agenda since 2014 and also is archived in the Trump Twitter Archive.