Don’t delude yourself into thinking that as a first-time writer you can skip the outline phase and go right to script. Comparatively speaking, the story is harder to write than the script itself. Let’s go back to the construction analogy. Which house would you rather live in: one built on a whim by a builder with just a vague idea of what he hopes the house will look like when it’s complete — or one built by a builder who has followed a set of plans designed by a qualified architect? Obviously, the builder without a plan risks wasting lots of time and ending up with a big mess, whereas the builder with a definitive set of plans will probably be finished faster and have fewer problems. It’s the same with writing an outline. The writer who writes without a plan risks getting lost along the way. On the other hand, once you have

your story outlined, and you know where you are going, writing the script is not nearly as difficult, nor as daunting.