A.3 Meeting the requirements A.3.1 Access Access (i.e. approach, entry or exit) to a building is frequently a problem for wheelchair users, people who need to use walking aids, people with impaired sight and mothers with prams etc. In designing the approach to a building (and routes between buildings within a complex) the following should, therefore, always be taken into consideration: ● changes in level between the entrance storey and the site entry point should

be minimized; ● access routes should be wide enough to let people pass each other; ● potential hazards (e.g. windows from adjacent buildings opening onto

access routes) should be avoided. For all new buildings, therefore, the primary aim should be to make it rea-

sonably possible for a disabled person to approach and gain access into the dwelling from the point of alighting from a vehicle (which may be within or outside the plot). In particular the following should be observed.